The Mystics' Circle
In every religion and culture there is an hidden path. A deeper perspective that offers an intimate experience of the sacred. This is the mystic way, where there are less rules but more responsibility. Less guardrails but more risks. Less to follow but more to find.
You are invited, if you would like to walk this path with gentle guidance to light the way.
Saturdays, 1:30-5:30pm
Dec 7, 21, Jan 11, 25 ​
As a small cohort, we will study the common threads of wisdom that run through various traditions including Hindu, Taoist, Jewish, Christian, Shamanic, and Sufi mysticism.
As a practical path, we will engage this wisdom through practices that include:
Mindfulness and meditation
Music and devotional practices
Energy work and healing
Breathwork and shamanic journeying
Group building and accountability
Past life regression
Self study
About Me
Our manual for the course will be a book series that I have written as a teaching memoir. You are invited to join me on the colorful adventures that characterized my learning. A mystic's true education is in the experience, not the dry theory, because the reality it points to is full of paradoxes that only the heart can grasp. We must nurture a relationship with the sacred, and a relationship needs a story. The story is embrace what cannot be logically understood.
Have you ever wanted to:
Travel with a one-way ticket
Follow dreams, signs, and sychronicities
Walk out the door with an open heart and see where life takes you
Explore spiritual secrets from hidden masters and lineages
Meditate in caves for as long as it takes
​Trek around remote holy mountains in Tibet
Hitchhike across the Himalayas
Study with great yoga masters and humble saints
Weave the inner philosophies and connecting threads of Eastern and Western spiritual traditions
​if so then​
These were some of the things that characterized the decade-long pilgrimage that I embarked on in my twenties. I never thought I would be able to share these experiences with anyone, but often when I returned home to visit, I saw that so many were burdened by a sense of great distance from the sacred––from meaning, purpose, and magic. Occasionally, I would tell some of my stories to a person who was curious, and I could see a sense of wonder growing in their eyes. The story itself seemed to be an initiation into a realm where the unbelievable was believable––the realm I had tasted in my travels.
After some time of seeing where the world was headed, I knew that I didn’t live the experiences for myself alone. I had to tell my story...
I grew up in a secular household in one of the world's material epicenters, my identity shaped by grades in school and clothing brands. My culture was exemplified by the Simpsons and Beevis and Butthead––a culture that both mocked and worshipped its own foolishness. Financial success and social status were the only goals I saw people put effort into—both of which I knew would vanish with death. Deep down, I sensed there was more to life. There was a purpose that I yearned to connect with. Yet, it was entirely missing from the world I knew.
That changed when, at the age of 16, I accidentally discovered a technique to conduct past- and between-life regressions on my friends. Suddenly I had access to vast annals of history and insights into the long trajectory of a soul's journey, which was described to me as an endless growth into divinity. Inspired by these sessions to live a spiritually devoted life, I left behind the opportunities afforded by my Ivy League education and went to India in search of the lived truth.
I found myself on a incredible adventure, guided by an unseen force that guided me through dreams, signs, and synchronicities. I learned to listen for the subtle call of the truth, allowing it to take me to remote pilgrimage places throughout the Himalayas in India and Tibet, to sit at the feet of colorful and wise teachers, and to learn about the consciousness of the divine. All along, I sensed that what I sought was already there. I just had to learn how to see it more clearly in my life. I had to learn to read reality.
What I could never have expected was that many of the people I met along the way also appeared to have identities in an extraordinary ancient narrative, and that my next task would be to rewrite the narrative of history through the lens of the teachings I'd been guided to. Meanwhile, I had to know that what I found was both true and untrue, profoundly relevant and completely irrelevant, and that holding these paradoxes myself was a key to walking the path of a mystic.
With the movement of a mystery and the sensitivity of a coming-of-age novel, this story speaks to those who wish to understand the inner philosophies and connecting threads of both Eastern and Western spiritual traditions while embarking on an exciting adventure into the reality of the impossible being possible.
As mystics, we are no longer the prey of circumstance. We are a dancing partner and a worthy match.
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